Kuzneski Insurance Group Blog

We love what we do. 

Written by Kuzneski Editors | April 12, 2016

While many may assume that being in the insurance field means our job is lackluster, they don’t understand the Kuzneski way of insurance. When we aren’t crunching renewal numbers or working on a claims issue, we are learning, growing and meeting some of the most interesting new companies in Western PA.

Recently, our team attended the 3 Rivers Venture Fair at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh.  For those that aren’t familiar with the event, its’ intent is to give up and coming companies the chance to make connections and pitch their ideas to investors and mentors that are involved in the innovation community.

KFG is committed and involved in the tech startup world. Being a part of something new and watching it grow excites us. While this two day spectacular allows our agency to keep up with the newest innovations and latest “big thing”, we also get to spend time with our current clients in their environment. It gives us a deeper understanding of what their needs are and how they operate. It allows us to relate to our clients better and build long-lasting relationships.

The purpose of the 3RVF may be for startups to showcase their interventions but for us, it is a way to showcase how we can help. Getting into the field and in front of our clients is the best way we can help them. From connecting them to other business that may help them, to talking through issues in real time to understand their needs better, this busy yet refreshing two-day spree is definitely something all business should try to attend  - maybe I’ll see you there next time!