Kuzneski Insurance Group Blog

Healthiest Employer Challenge 2018

Written by Laurie Kuzneski | February 23, 2018

It’s that time again for the Indiana County Chamber of Commerce Healthiest Employer Challenge…BRING IT ON!

Yes, our company will be participating in the Healthiest Employer Challenge again this year. The challenge starts next week on March 1st and it lasts 8 weeks. Last year, despite our efforts…. we did not fare too well. While we didn’t come in last, we are aiming to do much better this year.

Here are some things we learned from last year and how we plan to turn it around!

  • Ordering out can mean extra calories. We all tend to rush out the door in the morning and we don’t have time to pack a lunch. This is true for us as well, so we order out. We often think that ordering a salad is a good choice, but those fries on top can sabotage you. Plus, the cheese and dressing can put it in the unhealthy zone! A supposed “healthy salad” can sometimes have more calories than a burger! Beware of everything that comes on that salad and how big it is! Order a vinaigrette and only use a small amount. Eat half of the salad and save the other half for dinner or lunch the next day. Being mindful is the key.
  • Portion control, portion control, portion control! Last year I brought in some healthy, homemade lunches for everyone in our office but a few employees said that was one of their problems! Too yummy…too many helpings! So, we need to start using smaller plates and bowls to portion out our food. We all need to eat slowly so our bodies register that it’s feeling full. Too many of us eat at our desk and are not conscious of the amount we are consuming. Stop, eat slowly, consume smaller portions and truly enjoy your food.
  • Drink, drink, drink! Water, of course! When you are properly hydrated you feel more alert and energetic! Remember that thirst can masquerade as hunger. So, it’s a good idea to drink 8 oz. of water BEFORE each meal. In general, you should try to drink approximately half an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day. Drinking water all day long will also help you feel fuller, longer. I know, I know, you WILL make more trips to the restroom. But, that will get you up from your chair and walking around. That’s not a bad side effect!
  • Move more! We are all behind desks here and it’s hard to move a lot when you are tied to your computer getting your work done. We all need to move more than we are moving now. Every little bit helps! We are going to sneak in walks during our day. Take a hike around the block during lunch. Go up and down the stairs multiple times on rainy days, have a “walking meeting”, take a walk after dinner instead of sitting in front of the TV. It all counts… even in small increments.
  • It really is simple…. calories in, calories out. It’s not rocket science! Eat less and move more. Now we just have to put this into practice!

I know I need to preach to my own choir (and me!) but these are good reminders for all of us! We are going to give this our best effort this year! We will keep you posted! Hope you will think about joining us!

Cheers (holding up a glass of water) to a healthier 2018!