Kuzneski Insurance Group Blog

Healthiest Employer Challenge

Written by Laurie Kuzneski | April 28, 2017

I never really thought I was a competitive person, until Adam in our office invited me to a week-long Fitbit step challenge.  I was obsessed.  To the point of getting out of bed at 11 p.m. to get more steps in before the challenge closed at midnight.  OK, so I may be a little competitive; but it’s healthy competition.

Now imagine my excitement when the Indiana County Chamber of Commerce announced their 8-Week Healthiest Employer Challenge!  As a Chamber Board member, the Wellness Director of KFG and someone who wants to shed a little winter-weight, this is a WIN-WIN-WIN.  Not to mention that healthy employees are happy employees and more productive employees.  As we enter into our really busy renewal season, this is a great time to get everybody moving.  I am pumped and my head is spinning with all of the things I want to do to make this fun, engaging, and motivating to our employees.

While the program is sponsored by the Chamber, it is offered through Indiana Regional Medical Center (IRMC) and they will screen each employee’s blood pressure, weight and daily steps. The Healthiest Employer award is based on the average weight, blood pressure, and daily steps of the group.  I want to ensure our team’s success by making sure we have healthy habits around the office.  Without giving away too much of my strategy to our Healthiest Employer competitors, who I’m sure are glued to our blog, here are some of my first steps:

  1. Clean out the snack drawer: I know it exists, I see the snacks. We need to remove unhealthy snacks and replace them with healthy alternatives.
  2. Institute walking meetings: If we can sit in the conference room for the meeting, let’s walk around the block and have the meeting.
  3. Staff lunches: We order in a lot! Let’s start bringing in lunches – I am already planning some meals that I am going to bring in for everyone.
  4. Hydration: Sadly this does not include the wine or beer we all seem to love! I see water battles in our future.
  5. Internal challenges/awards: I have a list a mile long! Get up and move every hour. Most steps outside of the office. Healthiest lunch.

These are just a few of the fun things I am planning to get us on track to win this competition. If you are in Indiana County and want to join the competition, BRING IT ON! I mean, contact the Chamber of Commerce at 724.465.2511.  If you want to start your own wellness program, give us a call, we can help you get started.