Kuzneski Insurance Group Blog

Why I Need Life Insurance in My 20s

Written by Stephanie Rosenberger | September 18, 2015

So you are in your 20s. Maybe you just graduated college or just secured your first real job. If you were like me, I took my 20s to discover my place in the world. I wasn’t thinking about my long-term (like 30-40 years down the road) future, just my “what the heck am I going to accomplish by 30” future. Life insurance, pfft that was for old people.

But, that old saying, “You are only young once” is so true, especially when buying life insurance. In your 20s you are probably at the peak of your health. You have youth on your side. And because life insurance premiums are based on your age, health and lifestyle you will most likely find premiums that are affordable. The best part is these premiums are locked in for the term of the policy you chose.

So here are 3 reasons why you, yes you, you 20-something old person, needs life insurance.

  1. Coverage of a credit card or school loan. I didn’t have a school loan but I did have credit cards. I mean come on, you got a free shirt when you signed up for them and the whole point of a credit card is to pay later on something you want now! In retrospect, man would my parents been furious if I left them with that debt. On top of the funeral and burial expenses, that would have been one large expense they would have had to incur.
  2. Planning a family. The average female gets married around 27, and the average male is near 30. Usually after marriage comes baby carriage. By securing life insurance early, you are preparing for financial protection for your spouse and/or children in the event of a tragedy.
  3. Buying your first home. Sure, right now you may be living in an apartment or town home. Heck maybe even a starter home. Regardless, you probably want to buy a home in the next few years. Did you know that some policies have cash value? This cash value can be accessed and used to for a down payment on your new home.

Life insurance isn’t hard and it doesn’t have to be expensive. The best way to decide what is right for you is to sit down with a Client Advisor at Kuzneski Financial Group. Your advisor will complete a needs assessment with you, help identify what kind of coverage you need and then help secure the best rate.

Take a step into securing for your future right now by calling 724.349.1919. Come on! Your friends (and your parents) will be impressed!