Kuzneski Insurance Group Blog

Healthcare.gov Cost How Much??!!

Written by Andy Kuzneski | September 30, 2014
I'm the first to admit we still need major healthcare reform beyond the Affordable Care Act.  Having a front row seat of this "train wreck" through the various hats I wear (KFG, International Myeloma Foundation, various angel investor groups, etc.), I've seen a lot of things that defy explanation or logic.  I've also come to realize that although the system definitely needs more fixing, there is no easy or inexpensive solution.  After seeing the mismanagement of  healthcare.gov, the idea that the government could do a better job of managing things if it had complete control over the entire system scares the you-know-what out of me.
The following article highlights both the outrageous cost of building a poorly functioning website, as well as all the politics and infighting that surrounds it.  Follow the link and ask yourself if you want all decisions around your, and your family's, health determined by bureaucrats who can't even build a decent enrollment system for $2+ billion...  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-24/obamacare-website-costs-exceed-2-billion-study-finds.html