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Pittsburgh Entrepreneurs Forum

Pittsburgh Entrepreneurs Forum

Kuzneski Financial Group's President, Andy Kuzneski, was a member of the board of the MIT Enterprise Forum, and is now a founding board member of the newly-launched Pittsburgh Entrepreneurs Forum.  Check out the recent article by Patty Tascarella from the Pittsburgh Business Times.  

Keep an eye out for great programming and exciting events like the Pittsburgh Presents Robotics Event on March 23 at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association from 5:30-8:30 pm.

Kuzneski Editors

From time to time there is a blog post or story written that no one wants to take credit for. When this happens, Kuzneski Editors gets credit for the content! Rest assured, our business entity can not create or write content without human assistance. Know that one our of friendly staff is behind this post but they are too modest to take credit for it.

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