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Tis the Season for Taxes

Tis the Season for Taxes

As we are quickly slipping into the heart of tax season, there are a few changes that you should be aware of.  If you purchased a health plan through for 2014, you will be receiving a new tax form in the mail.  Form 1095-A is brand new this year and is expected to arrive in mailboxes in early February.  However, if you are too anxious to wait until February – you can download a copy through your account!

Additionally, if you received a premium tax credit to lower the premium of your 2014 plan, you will need to complete another new form when you file your taxes – Form 8962.  This form will assist you in comparing the amount of premium tax credit your have received to the amount that you are fully eligible for based on your total 2014 income.

With the help of tax completion software or an experienced preparer, you should have no problems – but if you choose to tackle your taxes on your own, be sure to read up on all of the new requirements around Health Care Reform!

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