A Day in the Life of a Marketing Intern
When going through the interview process, I really worked on fine tuning my answers for potential questions. Though I was still nervous, I felt like I had a good understanding of what would be asked when I interviewed. One question, however, really caught me off guard and I was not prepared for it at all: what do you want your every-day to look like? I’m somewhat glad that I had this interview via telephone because the look on my face wouldn’t have done me any favors. I had nothing to say, but I managed to put an answer together. I have always been asked what do you want to do when you’re older, but not what I saw myself doing on a day-to-day basis.
I later told the interviewer that I had never really thought about it and recognized that that was a problem. So, a couple days went by, and I still felt like I couldn’t give a solid answer to my future employer; but more importantly, I couldn’t give a solid answer to myself. I have always been one to seek out structure for my days to be as efficient as possible, so answering this question thoughtfully was becoming paramount for me.
After continually contemplating this question, I came to a realization – I just didn’t know. This was because I’d never really been put in a situation that would help me frame what I want my every day to look like. So, as you might imagine, one of the questions I had coming into this internship with KIG was what will my every-day look like? I almost wanted a set-in-stone routine, but I’m glad this was not the case.
My first week with KIG was really just about getting comfortable with my setup and gaining knowledge of the company and the projects I’d be working on. I quickly realized that no day will ever really look the same. Each morning I meet with Laurie to start my day and discuss what I will be working on that day. I’ve learned to really appreciate these meetings because even in the 30 minutes of talking with her, I gain confidence in my work as she gives me feedback and teaches me different things about what I will be working on during the workday. This meeting is probably the most routine thing that I do on a day-to-day basis.
Each day I work on different things, whether it’s brainstorming and creating surveys to gather data to help improve and advance our marketing strategy, meeting with team members to sketch out and discuss ideas for landing pages, or watching HubSpot training videos to help me better understand a specific topic or concept, like digital marketing or inbound methodology. I find value in each of these experiences. Engaging with the KIG team teaches me something new every time – and we have fun doing the work we do. I also really like the HubSpot lessons because they allow me to take what I am learning and apply it to the projects I am working on.
But why is it a good thing that each day is not the same while working for KIG? Let me tell you….
I am still not certain what I want to do career-wise or what path I want to take. Interning for KIG thus far has taught me a lot and one of the things that I like most about this experience is that I am gaining just that – experience. I don’t just mean that I am getting hours under my belt working for a successful company, but that I get to experience different types of days, activities, meetings, people, work, and projects.
What this means is that I can see what I like to do and what I don’t like to do. I get to see where my strengths lie and what I still need to learn. So, this allows me to shape and mold my ideal every-day by experiencing all kinds of different workdays. Sometimes I am working remotely from my home and other times I am at Laurie and Andy’s house to collaborate on projects. Just recently I went into the office to meet with Claire and work on marketing our new internship program. I am getting the opportunity to try new things each day, and for someone like me who is still unsure of what path I want to take, this has been a huge help.
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