Something New
One thing I’ve been encouraged to do throughout my internship is to be creative and think out of the box. Thus I present to you something that I imagine has never before been attempted - insurance limericks. Please enjoy the verses and the thought of a risk management major trying to rhyme insurance and business terms.
Now that I’ve been here for six weeks,
I’ve seen our insurance techniques.
Renewals and benefits,
There’s much evidence,
That I’ve had valuable real-world peeks.
When starting to quote a new group,
We make sure to work as a troupe.
First samples I choose,
Then Adam reviews,
So Monica can find the best in just one swoop.
If the carrier meets their demands,
We set up clients with optimal plans.
Offering HR services on the side,
And improved payroll can provide,
More reasons to work with the Kuzneski brand.
The next year we help clients renew.
Maintaining the best prices and benefits too.
Should a misfortune you befall,
Feel free to give us a call,
And we’ll make sure to help you through.
In all this communication is key.
It’s why we meet Mondays at 1 or 3.
To stay on the same page,
And always engage,
To not micromanage but instead oversee.
I’ve been able to work on other projects as well.
From organizing databases to making spreadsheets on Excel.
In all this I’ve found,
To keep a business off the ground,
Both good products and a positive culture one must sell.
With this blog I’ve tried to do something brave,
Though Whitman likely just turned in his grave.
Or I may have just proved,
If this is removed,
That I should stick to numbers and give words a goodbye wave.
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